Pediatric Ophthalmology Adult Strabismus
As everyone knows, the health of your eyes is essential to your overall function and quality of life.
Our eyes are our windows to the world. They are also quite intricate and susceptible to complications.
Your eyes are delicate and complicated systems that allow you to view the world in front of you.
Your eyes are your windows to the world, yet many people overlook the importance of regular eye exams.
Our eyes work hard for us every day for 16 hours or more. They change their range of focus innumerable times and constantly dart around to help us navigate our surroundings.
The bodies of pregnant women go through many hormonal and physical shifts. Pregnancy can also affect a woman’s eyes.
While some conditions affecting your eyesight may present obvious symptoms, there are other threats to your vision that can develop with little warning.
Lots of people aren’t aware of all of the numerous ways that the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) rays can harm their eyesight.
We all look forward to a chance to bask in the warmth of natural sunshine. And soaking up some rays can be beneficial in some circumstances.
Low vision is the loss of sight that is not correctible with prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery.
As we step into the promising landscape of 2024, it's an opportune moment to set our sights on clearer vision and a brighter future.
“I have several friends who take their kids to Dr. Schoedel and are happy with her care…I just wanted my daughter to have the best care possible…” - Brandy S.