Pediatric Ophthalmology
Adult Strabismus
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a rare eye condition that has no cure. It’s a group of inherited disorders that involve a breakdown of cells in the retina (the light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye) that causes serious vision troubles.
It is important that you see an ophthalmologist to get an accurate diagnosis, learn all about the disease and discuss your treatment options. An ophthalmologist can also find out if there are upcoming RP clinical trials in which you may be able to partake.
Christianne Schoedel, MD is committed to educating our patients and providing skilled, expert care. From routine eye examines to updating eyeglass prescriptions to treating serious ocular issues, we are this area’s go-to ophthalmologist practice.
RP is the result of damaging alterations in any one of more than 50 genes that relay the instructions to produce photoreceptors, which are imperative cells in the retina. Some of the changes or mutations within the genes are so severe that they stop the cells from functioning properly. The result is a host of symptoms that greatly compromise the ability to see well. The hindrances can include night blindness, the loss of central vision, problems distinguishing colors and details, and the gradual loss of peripheral vision.
RP’s symptoms typically appear in childhood. Youngsters will notice that they have trouble maneuvering in areas with low lighting and that their eyes take an abnormal amount of time to adjust to changes in lighting. As their field of vision shrinks, they frequently trip over things on the floor and seem physically awkward. The progression of RP varies from person to person because of the many mutated genes that cause it.
Most people with RP eventually lose the majority of their sight. A number of services and devices can help people with vision loss carry out daily activities and maintain their independence. In addition to regular eye exams from a medical professional, it's important to have help from a team of experts, such as occupational therapists, certified low-vision therapists, and orientation and mobility specialists.
At the office of Christianne Schoedel, MD, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information about our office and many services, please call us today to schedule an appointment.
“I have several friends who take their kids to Dr. Schoedel and are happy with her care…I just wanted my daughter to have the best care possible…” - Brandy S.